Retribitution is a novel set in the busy streets of Cape Town CBD and revolves around the lives of two unlikely characters Trevor Miyeni and Thomas Polawnski. It starts with an intriguing incident through which Trevor Miyeni wakes up from a miniature coma at Groote Schuur hospital. It is then he is introduced to the flamboyant character of Thomas Polawnski who appeared to be displaced in the hospital setting and learns more about each other. Upon consultation with the hospital psychologist Dr Raphael, he learns of his fate that he is jobless, attempted suicide and has got a pending divorce. When he is released he has no direction and Thomas becomes his Good Samaritan giving him a roof and a job.
Book Details: |
ISBN-13: |
978-613-8-25392-1 |
ISBN-10: |
6138253922 |
EAN: |
9786138253921 |
Book language: |
English |
By (author) : |
Asanda Alex Plaatjies |
Number of pages: |
84 |
Published on: |
2018-10-22 |
Category: |
Other |