Komunikācijas plūsmas modelis pašvaldībās

Vineta Zeltkalne - ISBN: 978-3-639-49017-6

€ 36,90

Individualization of endurance developement in kettlebell sport

Training process in kettlebell sport

Māris Lesčinskis - ISBN: 978-3-639-65050-1

€ 35,90

Proactive Contracting

Anders Pleth - ISBN: 978-3-639-76571-7

€ 49,90

Antinomijas princips vērtībizglītībā

Andrejs Mūrnieks - ISBN: 978-3-639-81690-7

€ 49,90

MSI - MultiSystemisk Intervensjon

Forebyggende tiltak på ulike nivåer i skolesystemet

Torill Øyre Westby - ISBN: 978-3-639-67355-5

€ 33,90

We the Balkanians

A Critical Analysis of the Political Discourse

Elsa Skënderi Rakipllari - ISBN: 978-3-639-72219-2

€ 44,90

Crossing the river by feeling the stones

Approaches to Sustainable Urban Development in China

Hongling Liu - ISBN: 978-3-639-78107-6

€ 64,90

Sømløst psykisk helsearbeid med fokus på samhandling

Et innblikk sett med pasienters øyne

Bernt Harald Opdal - ISBN: 978-3-639-69915-9

€ 32,90

Rock and Hard Place

Dynamics of Power between Diverse Actors and Liberian Refugees in Guinea

Henry Ahorttor Collins - ISBN: 978-3-639-47736-8

€ 49,90