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In order to carry out our research, we use as a method the case study, one of the various existing research methods, with its advantages and disadvantages. We preferred this strategy because the initial questions we put are like "how" and "why" and because we have little control over the events, and our attention is directed to the phenomenon: "The need to modernize banking security along with prudential supervision In order to protect the interests of depositors and to ensure the stability and viability of the entire banking system in the National Bank of Romania", so that this phenomenon can be eliminated by" Modernizing the historical methods of prudential supervision of credit and security institutions in European context through security management Banking information and prudential supervision to protect the interests of depositors and the stability and viability of the entire banking system. "We use this method because we intend to deal with the contextual conditions of the need to modernize prudential supervision and banking security in order to protect the interests of depositors and to ensure the stability and viability of the entire banking system in the N.B.R.

Book Details:







Book language:


By (author) :

Rada Ioana Carmen
Rada Ioan Constantin

Number of pages:


Published on:



Money, Bank, Stock exchange