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Brochures: Dual-Language Guide for Diverse Scenarios

Brochures for Diverse Situations (English-Arabic)

K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair - ISBN: 978-620-6-79490-5

Promotional Leaflets for Local Gatherings

Informational Leaflets for Local Gatherings (English-Arabic)

K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair - ISBN: 978-620-6-79494-3

Promotional Material for Educational and Cultural Occasions

Informative Flyers for Educational and Cultural Activities (English-Arabic)

K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair - ISBN: 978-620-6-79492-9

Az önreflektivitás alkalmazása az értékelésben Új, innovatív módszer

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A Thorough Handbook on Brochures, Posters, Flyers and Pamphlets

A Comprehensive Guide to Brochures, Posters, Flyers, Pamphlets, and Leaflets (English-Hindi)

K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair - ISBN: 978-620-6-79495-0

Psychocorrective Aspects of Addiction to Computer Games

problems of psychodiagnostics of addictive behavior are presented in the methodological manual

Indira Rakhimova - ISBN: 978-620-6-79429-5

Legacy of Light: Al-Imam Al-Aroos and his Islamic Scholarship

Luminaries of Faith: The Life and Works of Syed Mohammad Al-Imam Al-Aroos

K. M. A. Ahamed Zubair - ISBN: 978-620-6-79486-8