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Sports administration is a specific legislative and judicial field that is a special part of administrative law, sport-related tasks are implemented by the state through sports administration, so it can be called a kind of policy. A specific part of sports administration is sports policing. This narrower area can be clearly defined as professional policing, a series of laws regulate everything related to sports policing, supplemented by regulations of the trade federations, which also serve as guidelines for keeping sports police records and ensuring sports events. The research contributes to the creation of the conceptual system of sports policing and to the systematization of legislation related to the provision of sports events. The issues related to the safe conduct of sporting events raise social, legal, law enforcement and moral problems. In the study, I also sought to answer the question of the causes of football hooliganism, and what antecedents, tragic events and stadium disasters have occurred in recent decades, which drew the attention of those involved in event insurance to the need to change the established practice and the creation of new legal norms.

Book Details:







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By (author) :

Nikolett Ágnes Tóth

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