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A.I in the World of Medicine

A.I in the World of Medicine

GlobeEdit ( 14.06.2018 )

€ 35,90

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Artificial intelligence is one of the most discussed topics of the present time. The burning question of today about artificial intelligence is “will it be beneficial or dangerous for a human being”. This research paper analyzes the benefits of artificial intelligence in medicine. It examines how artificial intelligence assists the medical field as well as how patient’s health is affected using this popular phenomenon in diagnosing diseases, patient’s treatment, reducing errors, and virtually being present with the patients. Finally, the paper reveals how artificial intelligence may have an impact on medical science. A study was conducted with 68 participants who were doctors, medical and dental students, dentists and students through an online closed-ended questionnaire. The aim of the survey was to learn about people’s perspective towards artificial intelligence in medicine. Data were analyzed and reviewed through survey monkey. This research found out the relationship between medicine and artificial intelligence. It is notable that most of the participants believe that artificial intelligence will assist medicine.

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By (author) :

Samira Yeasmin

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